Specifications, Service, and Repair of Farm and Lawn Tractors


New Holland TC48DA Specifications

New Holland TC48DA Engine Technical Data

Engine Model - Shibaura N844L
Engine Type - Diesel, four cycle, water-cooled, in-line overhead valve
Number of Cylinders - 4
Displacement, cu in (L) - 135,1 (2,22)
Engine Bore, in (mm) - 3,31 (84,0)
Engine Stroke, in (mm) - 3,94 (100,0)
Rated Engine Power, hp (kW) - 54,7 (40,8)
Maximum Engine Power, hp (kW) - 56,8 (42,4)
Rated Engine Speed, rpm - 2600
Compression Ratio - 22.5:1
Firing Order - 1-3-4-2
Fuel Pump Type - In-Line
Combustion Type - Swirl chamber
Governor - Centrifugal all-speed control
Fuel Tank Capacity, gal (L) - 13,5 (51,2)
Oil Capacity, qts (L) - 8,7 (8,2)
Coolant Capacity, qts (L) - 3,8 (3,6)
Electrical System Rating, Volts - 12
Alternator Rating, Amps - 40

Power Take-Off

PTO Operational Type - Independent
PTO Horsepower, hp (kW) - 40,0 (29,8)
Rear PTO Speed, rpm - 540

New Holland TC48DA Transmission

Transmission Type - 12F/12R Synchronized Shuttle Shift
Number of Forward Speeds - 12
Number of Reverse Speeds - 12
Clutch - Dry disc
Maximum Forward Speed, mph (kph) - 18,6 (29,9)
Maximum Reverse Speed, mph (kph) - 19,5 (31,4)
Service Brake - Differential mechanical wet disc

New Holland TC48DA Wheels and Tires

Drive Wheels - 2WD/4WD
Steering Configuration - Front Steer
Steering System - Hydrostatic power
Front Tire Size (2WD) - 9.5L-15
Rear Tire Size (2WD) - 14.9-24
Front Tire Size (4WD) - 8.00-16
Rear Tire Size (4WD) - 14.9-28
Front Tire Size (Industrial) - 11L-15SL
Rear Tire Size (Industrial) - 18.4-24R4

New Holland TC48DA Hydraulic System and Hitch

Hydraulic System Type - Open Center
Implement Pump Type - Gear
Implement Pump Flow, gpm (Lpm) - 12,0 (45,3)
Steering Pump Flow, gpm (Lpm) - 5,52 (20,9)
Number of Standard Remote Valves - 3
3-Point Hitch Category - 1
Standard Lift Capacity 24-in (600mm) behind pin, lb (kg) - 3465 (1575)

Dimensions and Weight

Wheelbase, in (mm) - 74,8 (1890)
Length, in (mm) - 137,3 (3480)
Height, in (mm) - 91,1 (2310)
Overall Width, in (mm) - 64,4 (1630)
Weight, lb (kg) - 4215 (1957)


T2220 T2420 T4.115 T4.80 T4050
T5.110 T5060 T6.140 T6050 T7.185
T7.270 T7050 T8.350 TD4040 TD5050
TL90 TS110 TS6030 TT75 TV6070


10LA Loader 12LA Loader 14LA Loader 15LA Loader 16LA Loader
17LA Loader 18LA Loader 7308 Loader 100LC Loader 110TL Loader
140TL Loader 200LC Loader 210TL Loader 240TL Loader 235TL Loader
250TL Loader 250TLA Loader 260TL Loader 270TL Loader 810TL Loader
820TL Loader 830TL Loader 840TL Loader 850TL Loader 860TL Loader
870TL Loader 810LA Loader 815LA Loader 830LA Loader 850LA Loader
855LA Loader 82LB Loader 84LB Loader 655TL Loader 665TL Loader
615TL Loader 621TL Loader 625TL Loader 630TL Loader 635TL Loader
640TL Loader 645TL Loader 815TL Loader 825TL Loader 835TL Loader
845TL Loader 855TL Loader 865TL Loader 875TL Loader 885TL Loader
330TL Loader 340TL Loader 350TL Loader 360TL Loader 510TL Loader
520TL Loader 530TL Loader 540TL Loader 611TL Loader 720TL Loader
730TL Loader 740TL Loader 750TL Loader 760TL Loader 770TL Loader
780TL Loader 790TL Loader 835LA Loader 857LA Loader 910LA Loader
915LA Loader 917LA Loader 935LA Loader 937LA Loader 975LA Loader


6640 G240 L95 M135 T3040
T4.110 T5.105 T5070 T6.180 T6030
T7.270 T7040 TC29D TC35 TD5.85
TL100 TS6.140 TV140 TM155 TN65


TL100 TS6.140 TV140 TM155 TN65
640 850 950 1100 1210
1320 1520 1620 1710 1900
1910 2000 2810 3000 3600
3910 3930 4000 4600 4610
4630 5000 5030 5600 5610
5640 6600 6610 6640 7630
7740 7840 8240 8340 8770
TW-15 TW-20 TW-25 TW-30 TW-35