Case IH MX270 Problems and Solutions
Some days ago I noticed the damage with my Case IH MX-270. Diesel motor
will not crank over. Tell me please what kind of malfunction?
Fuel grade is incorrect. Broken drive on fuel injection pump. Inspect
and refit. Wrong fuel pump timing. Adjust as required.
MX270 tractor issue. Insufficient engine power. How do I troubleshoot
Clogged air cleaner - Clean the element. Filtering element of fuel fine
filter is clogged. Replace filtering element.
Help anybody why engine stops during operation?
Air in fuel supply system - Bleed air. Piston seizing. Check and replace
Case MX-270 question. Transmission shifts hard in reverse. What
Worn or defective clutch - Replace worn parts.
I would like to know why my steering wheel spinning not resisting? How
do I act to correct the situation?
Low oil index - It is required to add oil. The steering cylinder is
heavily worn - Perform repair. Defect in the power steering pump -
Install a new pump.
I bought a Case IH MX270 in september. Nowadays there is issue. Engine
not starting. Can anybody help me diagnose the source of breakdown?
Starter does not work - Check starter and replace if necessary.
Restriction in a fuel pipe - You should make washing and cleaning. Dirty
fuel filter element - Change it. Piston rings worn out - Refit a new set
of piston rings.
I bought the same model. Recently I noticed the steering is very hard.
Somebody tell me what is a breakdown?
The minimum oil level. Power steering oil too thick – high viscosity.
Replace with the specified oil. Breakage of hydraulic hoses. It is
necessary to eliminate a defect. Pump of power steering is broke.
Replace the pump. Power steering is damaged. Requires repair.
MX-270 tractor trouble. Diesel very hard starting. Help me specify
occasion of damage. What can I do?
Engine flooded. Engine oil filter restricted. Water, rust or stale fuel
in tank. Cold start system worked incorrectly. Defect or failure of
piston rings. Valve Leakage/Adjustment Bad. Water, dirt, or air in fuel
system. Drain, flush, fill and bleed system. Fuel too heavy at low
Case IH MX-270 diesel engine issues. Diesel is difficult to start
sometimes. How can i fix the breakdown?
Clogging in fuel tank vent. Air in fuel tank. Bleed fuel tank. Exhaust
pipe is clogged. Low voltage - Charge battery. Dirty or faulty
injectors. Clogged fuel filter. Clean or replace fuel filter. Long Idle
Steering stopped working on our tractor. What's a breakdown?
The hydraulic system has air. We recommend you remove air. Hydraulic oil
small indicator in the tank. Pour completely. Steering cylinder has
problems Make a replacement.
I own the same model. Why diesel engine doesn't start? How do i resolve
an issue?
Improper valve timing - Adjust valve timing. Compression increase. Wear
cylinder bores - Repair it. Leaks between seats and valves - Need
Removal of leakage.
Case MX-270 issue. The engine knocks. what kind of breakdown?
Lack of oil. You should pour this. Cooling temperature is minimum.
I can't find the reason why front axle produces a rumble incessantly
while driving?
Defective gear. You need to install new gears. ball bearings are firmly
erased. Fit new bearings.
I'm the owner this model some years. Sometimes motor start is
intermittent. How to eliminate?
Nozzle has dirt. You should to inspect a nozzle. Injection pump does not
work. Repair fuel pump.
I get the exact same tractor. Tell me why differential lock assembly
breaks down immediately? How to solve the problem?
Diaphragm worn out or replace friction clutch discs. Requires repair.
I have a Case IH MX270. Motor doesn’t want to work. Tell me what is the
Probably Dirt in the fuel system. Otherwise injection pump not adjusted.
I have trouble. Engine overheating occurs. How can I repair it?
Coolant level lowered. Pour liquid into radiator to recommended level.
Coolant level is less - Check level and leakage of system and top up.
Cylinder head gasket is blown. Replace it with a new one. Motor
overloaded - Reduce motor load. Broken or misadjusted fan belt - Adjust
or replace.
My friend has Case MX270. Two days ago he heard a crash in the rear axle
housing. What is the malfunction?
All sounds evidence of bearing problems.
Can someone say me what is fault if motor excessive white smoke at idle?
If white smoke visible from exhaust pipe you necessary to carry out
replacement of piston rings immediately. Deficient compression - Adjust
top clearance.
585 | 695 | 885 | 895 | 1494 |
1594 | 2096 | 2294 | 4230 | 5120 |
5130 | 5140 | 5220 | 5230 | 7110 |
7120 | 7220 | 7240 | CS110 | CVX130 |
CVX170 | CX100 | CX90 | Farmall 75C | Farmall 95 |
Farmall 110A | Farmall 140A | JX100 | JXU105 | Magnum 250 |
Magnum 305 | Maxxum 125 | MX110 | MX135 | MX270 |